Cheerleading: Dumb or Too Dumb?

Remember how after Rupert Murdoch bought the Wall Street Journal, he decided the paper should be covering sports more? That was awesome. Today: Is cheerleading stupid, or what?
Did you know that "Cheerleading accounts for 65% of all female catastrophic injuries in high school and college"—even more than Tucker Max fans? Did you know that despite this, the NCAA doesn't consider cheerleading a "sport?" Rather, it appears, they consider it a pastime for whores.
The greatest changes in cheerleading have been the growing popularity of gymnastic moves known as "stunting"

Mmmm hmm. Would the New York Times be as quick to tackle the little-known story of the pervasiveness of stuntin' in dangerous non-sport "cheerleading" so unflinchingly? Let's just say we haven't seen it yet.
In conclusion, yes, cheerleading is just as dumb as the sports for which it cheers.