It seems Joanna Shields has found another mark. Barely 18 months ago, she sold her also-ran social network Bebo to AOL for $850 million. The disastrous deal still haunts AOL. Now she's charmed Rupert Murdoch's daughter into bankrolling her. How?

By selling her a vision of online media moguldom, in which Elisabeth Murdoch (pictured) would conquer the one medium that still thwarts her father's ambitions, the internet. Under the arrangement, Elisabeth's media company Shine will invest in Shields' content startup, Kara Swisher of All Things D reports, helping launch a new player in the hot online video space. Murdoch, to her credit, conceived the idea to import The Office and Pop Idol to America. But she's also a sucker for charmers: Her "close friend" and sometime yacht guest Ben Silverman unloaded his production company, Reveille, onto Shine for a cool $125 million. The Australia-born mogul-in-the-making should hope her new partner does not similarly boomerang.

That deal seemed smart when Silverman was an NBC honcho in a position to steer business Elisabeth Murdoch's way, but now he's been ousted — and is all set to compete with Murdoch with the online video startup he's building for Barry Diller's IAC.