Another Botched Sales Job for Carly Fiorina

Carly Fiorina became CEO of Hewlett Packard on the strength of her reputation as a sales dynamo. In politics, though, she's been a terrible saleswoman. And this "Carlyfornia" website for her senate campaign is somehow Fiorina's worst embarrassment yet.
The bare-bones fundraising site has already attracted its own attack video (see below), a rant by the Huffington Post's Jason Linkins ("the most insufferable thing she's ever done in her life"), disbelief from political blogger Atrios, and on and on. At one point in the splash graphic, Fiorina appears to compare herself to a dog: "It's day & night... It's dogs & cats... It's good & bad... It's Carly vs [Democratic rival Barbara] Boxer."
It could be a trick: Get people talking about the terrible website, and you can sweep aside concerns over Fiorina's voting record (or lack thereof), clumsy campaign resumé fudging, Iranian trade connections and track record of offshoring jobs en masse. But recent history would seem to indicate she and her team are not that clever.