It's always hard making it into the office in the morning, but this guy has been missing for weeks while on a bender. Also not on set, an annoying dancing star and a cheating celeb spouse. Time to clock in!

1. "This B- list television actor is one of the leads on a big hit network drama. One of those police type shows. Our actor has not shown up on set for almost two weeks. It isn't about contracts or anything like that. Nope. It is because he is on the drug bender to end all benders and won't stop using. Producers are getting worried because they need him on set and functioning soon or they are going to have some huge story gaps that will need explaining." [CDaN]

2. "There is one contestant on this season's Dancing with the Stars who just thinks they are so above it all. They have privately remarked several times about the caliber of the other contestants, calling them 'nobodies' and – in the case of one particular celeb—'white trash.' The dance professional with whom they are paired this season absolutely can't stand them, and quietly prays they get the boot sooner rather than later." [Blind Gossip]

3. "Which Celebrity who has been away from her husband for over a month due to work schedules is finding herself a little late? And by late, we mean she could be having a baby from the guy she's been ‘having fun with' while she and her husband are apart. Not Beth Ortosky." [BuzzFoto]