SNL, Bush Infiltrate White House Press Briefing
Oh, amusement! A reporter at the White House today used a Saturday Night Live-born term while asking Robert Gibbs a question. But, sadly, it wasn't "fuck."
The word was "strategery," which acclaimed Land of the Lost actor Will Farrell made famous back in 2000, when he lampooned the man who would become President George W. Bush.
Always hip to popular culture, Press Secretary Gibbs instantly recognized the reference, saying, ""I love it how a 'Saturday Night Live' word has entered into the lexicon." He then threatened to curse.
Who knew government could be so darn great? Plus, as an added bonus, it gives Gibbs' opponents some fuel for their "he's not dignified" fire.
Here's the clip of Farrell on SNL, in case you don't remember...