Tech Hotshot's Shame: Bad Hair

He might be fresh off a $1.4 million venture funding round and a leading player in the white-hot market for iPhone Apps. But a men's lifestyle publication has just revealed the shocking skeleton in Dennis Crowley's closet: "Curtains."
According to Business Insider, "Curtains" is what has dubbed Crowley's old hairstyle (pictured) after stumbling upon it on Flickr, apparently without knowing he was the founder of foursquare, the iPhone social software maker. In an article titled "Hairstyles Women Hate," the men's portal called the cut "a look that's too boyish once you've reached manhood." Fair enough, but Crowley, 33, took the picture when he was a high school senior — you should see the other one — and these days goes with a different look, when he's not keeping his hair buried under hats:

Besides, thanks to Crowley's own software, which helps you summon friends to the local bar, we're sure there will soon be far more embarrassing shots of Crowley floating around out there, if there aren't already.
(Top pic: Dennis Crowley; Bottom pics by See-ming Lee and Scott Beale)