Become Record Label To Rappers Who Hate Record Labels

Working with internet startup Sellaband, Public Enemy hopes to turn its fans into investors, bucking The Man in the process. For as little as $25, you too can become a greedy record executive. Just like those slammed by Public Enemy.
The rap band has been a pioneer in digital media, selling MP3 files and building a collection of websites, including a rap portal, well before other artists. Frontman Chuck D has also been a frequent critic, going back at least two decades, of the recording industry. So while investors in the new album will get a cut of revenue, according to TechCrunch, they shouldn't emulate industry high rollers, at least if they're fans of the talent, who famously sang in "Swindler's Lust:"
Hand in my pocket rob me for my chocolate (eheheheh)
Mo' dollars, mo' cents, for the Big Six [record companies]
Another million led to bled, claimin innocence
...No pressure, tell me why they don't care
Rap and R&B pavin the streets of Bel-Air
From the sales of singers, no longer here
The bigger killer, get the bigger share (eheheheh)
Hands off Chuck's chocolate, crowdsourced investors. It's right there in the Terms & Conditions... boyyyyy.