This leading lady thinks plastic surgery is horrible, unless it's to make her partner look better. She's still better than an eco actress pitching a supermarket fit or an NBA star who turns a plane into a crop duster. Gross!

1. "This Academy Award winner/nominee actress has always said she would never get plastic surgery and that women should never get it. Apparently times change and when her Spanish female lover wanted fake breasts, our actress paid for the procedure." [CDaN]

2. "This big time West Coast NBA star was flying on a private jet to an event and used the bathroom. They flew to their destination and the player left and all was well. Until the pilot checked the bathroom! It was in such a disgusting mess. Unknown substances in the sink and on the mirror, but worst of all, the toilet wouldn't flush. It wouldn't flush because the present the star left was so huge, that the pilot had to cut it into thirds to get it to go down. Not Kobe." [BuzzFoto]

3. "Which TV star refuses to film until he's received his daily 'treat' in the dressing room first - oral, er, satisfaction from a member of production. Your extra clue: We'd love to know what his colleagues think of this." [UK Mirror]

4. "This television actress – who is environmentally conscious – usually brings her own reusable shopping totes to the supermarket. One day she forgot. When the time came to check out, she asked for paper bags. The clerk packed the groceries into paper bags, but when the actress went to pick them up, she expressed annoyance that the bags had no handles. "Where are the handles? Don't your bags usually have handles? How am I supposed to carry bags without handles?" She became even more annoyed when the grocery clerk then slipped a plastic bag over the bottom of the paper bag in order to give the bags handles. "No, no, NO!" the actress exclaimed, and started lecturing the clerk on environmental waste.

A manager came over to mediate, and after a bit of arguing back and forth, wound up gifting the actress with several reusable tote bags. The clerk then pulled all the groceries out of the paper and plastic bags and re-packed them into the tote bags, all while being lectured by the actress. The actress then grabbed the bags from the clerk rather rudely, and tossed off a very sarcastic "Thank you SOOO much for doing your part to help the environment!" before heading out the door. It must be exhausting for this girl to engage in controversy wherever she goes." [Blind Gossip]