Tracy Morgan joined Twitter. Like, mere hours ago. The microblogging service is the perfect forum for a man known for his entertainingly insane 30 Rock non-sequiturs. Plus, there's already a thriving Twitter sub-culture devoted to Morgan sightings. They are gifts.

OMGICU has been on a campaign to bring Morgan to Twitter since Tuesday, according to the Wall Street Journal, after collecting such stalker sightings as these:

  • "tracy morgain [sic] is walking around soho eating blueberries looking confused."
  • "Just saw Tracy Morgan driving a Yellow Lamborghini with a blond woman listening to Sade."
  • "Tracy Morgan at the Bowery whole foods. I smiled but he gave me a mean look back. He was with a lady."

Welcome to Twitter, Tracy. Every week is Shark Week!

Oh look! He just delivered his first tweet:
