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Buck up, underemployed aspiring media employees who are not celebuspawn: We've found you yet another opportunity for indentured servitude masquerading as a "media job." How'd you like to be a real live Editor in Chief, eh?
The short version: "EIC...(Unpaid)." As our tipster wrote, "Are you fucking kidding me?" Sadly, no. Apply now!
EIC for Upcoming HIV/AIDS Online Magazine (Unpaid)
Job/Internship type:
Company/Publication Name:
HIV/AIDS Online Magazine
Description:The EIC will head the editorial department of a upcoming HIV/AIDS online
magazine. The mission of the online publication is to improve the quality
of life of those who are affected, infected, or are at high risk of
contracting HIV/AIDS.Qualifications:
- Strong communication, interpersonal & leadership skills
- Extensive experience as a writer or editor
- Commitment to HIV/AIDS prevention and awarenessRoles & Responsibilities:
- Lead editorial board meetings online.
- The EIC's responsible for choosing writers to contribute to the
- Serve as "the face" of the publication by speaking with the press
and attending conferences.
- Oversee the publication's complete process from pitch submission to
article publication.