There's More Blood to Be Sucked Out of Ten Minutes Ago in Hollywood

It's a day to bring back the old in Hollywood: last week's TV shows, yesterday's stores and TV stars from a decade ago are lining up for their reboots. If they can make Batman fresh, why not Chandler?
• The DVR playback numbers are in! Nielsen measures and tabulates up the number of people who ultimately end up watching a show, even long after they air, often boosting upwards a show's total number. The big winners for thus far for the new season: dramas seem to be the viewing of choice in playback mode, in particular, the season premieres of Gray's Anatomy and The Mentalist. The big loser: NBC in general, and The Jay Leno Show in particular which saw almost no playback viewing. [Variety]
• The world's Disney Stores are getting a "floor to ceiling reboot" according to the NY Times. The family entertainment giant wants to turn the experience of shopping for Disney merchandise into more of well, an experience and is considering rebranding the stores as Imagination Parks. [NYT]
• Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant, the team behind Comedy Central's recently concluded Reno 911 (and long ago of MTV's The State) have signed a deal to develop a new comedy for NBC. [THR]
• Paramount has paid two million dollars for a pitch. The untitled, undescribed, unknown feature is to be fleshed out by writers Aline Brosh McKenna and Simon Kinberg, and — if you wondered why the big price tag — produced by JJ Abrams. [Variety]
• Matthew Perry wants back on primetime. The former Friend has signed a deal with Sony to develop a single camera sitcom. [THR]
• The Weekly World News tabloid, famed for chronicling negotiations between America's political leaders and extraterrestrial visitors has signed CAA as its agency. The firm will develop entertainment properties based on WWN's cast of characters. No word yet whether Bat Boy will be seated with his fellow client Steven Spielberg at the CAA Christmas party. [THR]