This Week In Nazi Golf News

So much golf racism, these days! Who would ever even think to use the ancient, traditional sport of monied old white dudes for such terrible purposes? First, there was the incredibly confusing golf course swastika.
See, up in Lakeville, Massachusetts, 40 miles south of Boston, someone or other wrote "I [Swastika] Obama" on the 18th green at the local country club.
What does it mean? Did an actual Obama-admiring Nazi carve this in the golf course? Is something threatening the president with something? No one will ever know!
As if that wasn't enough Golf-related Racism for one week, now some folks in Port Huron, Michigan, are accused of sending a racist message to their black neighbors using golf balls.
Plastic balls covered with Nazi symbols were discovered Sept. 25 and Oct. 11 in the backyard of the home in which Michael Brown and his wife Michelle live, The Port Huron Times Herald reported Wednesday.
The African-American couple has told authorities they believe neighbors are responsible.
The people accused of, who knows, planting these Nazi balls, are being evicted. Supposedly because of the golf ball thing but who even knows.
Three makes a trend! Someone else do something involving swastikas and golf, but not until the next time we're guesting at Deadspin.