It must be hard work to stand out as a jerk in ego-driven L.A., but this guy is tops. Also up there is an actor who kicked out the wife and kids, and one who picks out his wife's outfits.

1. "This actor is part of a newish ensemble television drama. Frankly, we can't believe anyone would want to hire him after he walked around bad mouthing another show from which he was fired. Yes, he was fired. Don't believe anything you might read about how his character was simply written off the show. The truth is that not a single person on the set liked working with the guy. However, since he is such a litigious jerk (he has his attorney on speed dial), the producers knew that if they fired him outright there would be trouble. So they simply reduced his part from episode to episode. His new show is not faring well either, and will likely crash and burn this season. At least that lucky cast won't have to deal with him much longer. PS: Dude, the next time you send us a C&D, we will definitely post it in this space. Not anyone from Grey's Anatomy." [Blind Gossip]

2. "This should be a very interesting divorce. This B list actor on a hit cable show recently separated from his wife. The wife who is also mother to one of his kids. Instead of letting them stay in his huge home, he decided to stay in the house himself so he could entertain and kicked the wife and kid down the road to an apartment." [CDaN]

3. "This star singer is used to having staff help. She's got it all from housekeepers and gardeners to handlers and personal assistants. Now a source is saying she's got assistants to help her out with her marital duties as well. People to rub the feet and back of her hubby when they sit around the fire, people to send in-laws birthday gifts, people to to even help her spice up her love life and help in the bedroom! Not Christina Aguilera." [BuzzFoto]

4. "Which timid singer is so under the thumb of her controlling husband she isn't allowed to step foot out of the house until he's approved her outfit? Your extra clue: Well, she's not known for her great taste in fashion." [UK Mirror]