Erica Wang, the woman that celebrity chef Todd English left at the altar and filed assault charges against, marched down to the 13th Precinct to face the music. And she even sent us a statement. The PR war rages on!

We got this statement from Wang's lawyer Charles Clayman, who has an associate's degree in spin.

"Immediately after learning a complaint had been filed, my client voluntarily arranged to appear this morning at the 13th Precinct in Manhattan. This is just the beginning, because NYPD policy requires this process whenever a complaint of this kind is filed. My client will continue to cooperate, has done nothing wrong and welcomes the opportunity for the District Attorney to reach that conclusion and clear her name."

Ever since English left Wang at the altar two weeks ago, she has been trying to paint herself as the victim and parlay it into something bigger, like a book deal, TV show, or a line of disposable wedding dresses. She got herself booked onto both NBC's The Today Show and ABC's Good Morning America earlier this week but got bounced, we hear, after English's lawyers complained. English is trying to make her look like a crazy lady who beats him so that she won't threaten his master cookery empire, which given the shitty economy, has a seen a few restaurants close down, including his Olives outpost in D.C.

We kind of wish we could just put these two in a locked room so they can duke it out and a clear winner can emerge. Instead, we get to watch as their flacks wage a protracted war. It's like Afghanistan, except the media is actually covering it.