The Neg Harvey Weinstein Used to Separate an Heir and His Money

Patrick Liotard Vogt is a 25-year-old wannabe internet mogul and Nestle heir. And now he owns Harvey Weinstein's big stake in a disastrous social network, because Weinstein, evil genius negotiator, called him poor. Oh, Patrick.
Weinstein needed money fast for his troubled movie business. How to pawn his flailing A Small World website for rich people off on Vogt? With a little negging, judging from what Vogt told the Huffington Post:
We met at the AMFAR benefit in Cannes last year. I walked up to him and said, "Hey, I want to buy your shares in ASMALLWORLD" to which he responded, "you need to show up with a lot of money, which I don't think you have." I laughed and said, "I think I have ten times more than you do."
Then he bought the website, and proved to Weinstein that he wasn't some unimportant poor person. Who's laughing now, Weinstein?