Co-workers fight over money, status, and who took the last cup of coffee, they don't usually fight over girls. Well, these co-stars aren't your ordinary coworkers. Also punching the clock, a devious actor and a smitten singer. Get to work!

1. "Who knew that there was trouble brewing behind the scenes of this television show? Two of the actors have a feud going back several years. Actor A - a rather intense fellow – was dating a woman a few years ago about whom he was very serious. He even talked to his friends about proposing to her on their one-year anniversary. However, when he found out that she was also dating Actor B – arguably the more handsome of the two – he went ballistic and they broke up. The woman didn't last with Actor B either. When each actor auditioned for their show, they didn't know the other was also auditioning (but not for the same part). It wasn't until each were offered the job that they discovered their rival was a member of the cast. While there have been no fisticuffs so far, there have been a few nasty words uttered under their breath within earshot of the other." [Blind Gossip]

2. "I was picking up food for a BBQ my friends were having downtown and a B list television actor with A list name recognition on a hit network drama walked in and was standing next to me yammering away for five minutes or so. I was at Milk Bakery on Beverly when he and his buddy walked in. His buddy made some comment about ordering ice cream and our actor said, 'Oh dude, I work out so much I can afford to eat this. Um....I beg to differ, but hey, he didn't ask my opinion. Our actor and his C list actress wife are looking at houses and our actor was saying how his friend's wife had told our actor's wife about this beautiful house. Well, our actor's wife saw the house and loved it, and put an offer in on it despite the fact that their friends had wanted to buy it and will freak when they find out they have been stabbed in the back." [CDaN]

3. "Which aging crooner is so infatuated with a younger woman who works for him—he's taken a vow of celibacy until he gets her? The fella in question has bombarded her with roses by the dozen and has even penned songs for her from across the Atlantic. Your extra clue: It's quite touching when you think about it." [UK Mirror]