Running a microblogging service and raising a son are, perhaps, challenges enough for Ev Williams. The Twitter CEO tells us he's no longer building a house with his wife, as he told the New York Times in March.

"We're building a modern house that we hope will be done by 2010," Williams told the Times. Instead, the couple moved into a pre-built modern Victorian earlier this year.

When news surfaced earlier this month that Williams and his wife had bought a Noe Valley home, we wrote that our best guess was that the house was an interim mansion. Why else would the couple be "selling one house, buying a second and building a third?"

After all, Williams' new Noe Valley house was finished and put on the market in October 2008, more than three months before Williams said in the Times that he was building his own house. The deed transferred to Williams this past April, according to property records, and since then there has reportedly been some interior remodeling.

Williams wrote in to tell us that he's not juggling homes: "We were building a house." No more.

We've updated our original post.

(Pic: by JD Lasica)