For reality TV show winners, victory can be a path to many great things — fame, romance, a smaller waistline. But one TV champion dared to dream bigger.

Adam Jasinski, winner of last season's Big Brother, didn't just sit on his laurels, spending the rest of his life harking back to his golden days in the sun. Realizing that one's moment doesn't last forever, he got up very quickly and went out to build the drug dealing empire he's always dreamed of.

Sadly, for every great dreamer, there's an army of people determined to stomp on their dreams and leaving nothing but broken shards on the floor. Yesterday, Jasinski was arrested and charged with attempting to sell oxycodone (aka Hillybilly Heroin) across the eastern seaboard.

<a href="

">The FindLaw blog quotes a DEA special agent from the criminal complaint:

JASINSKI stated that for the past several months he had been obtaining thousands of pills of oxycodone and re-selling them to customers all along the east coast. JASINSKI was able to purchase large quantities of pills because he had received $500,000 as the grand prize winner of the CBS reality television show Big Brother Season 9.

Jasinki's day/cover job? Serving as head of The Lifestyle Publishing Group, a company he owns, which supposedly prints The Recovery Guide, a periodical on addiction and recovery issues.

Jasinki's Big Brother-learned skills of coping in a confined space may come in handy. The charges carry a penalty of up to 20 years in prison.

[via ASSME]