George W. Bush Presents, 'Get Confident, Stupid!'

Next Monday, George W. Bush will begin his career as a motivational speaker, because he is obviously a very motivational man who is quite good a public speaking.
If you have $5 bucks and you are in Fort Worth next week, you may get the chance to INCREASE Your Productivity and Income at this once-in-a-lifetime Get Motivated! Seminar. In addition to the former President of the United States, who will be talking about 9/11, you will also hear from Rudy Giuliani, who will be talking about 9/11! And Terry Bradshaw, who will be talking about Super Bowl XIV.
CBS's Brian Montopoli reached Tamara Lowe, a seminar organizer and professional motivational speaker, for comment:
Lowe said the event is designed to "give the average American the opportunity to be able to experience the really amazing story of being face to face with the greatest leaders and achievers on the planet."
She added that it allows attendees to "kind of get the download" on "how they got to the top."
So, yes, this definitely sounds like the sort of event you would expect to see George W. Bush speaking at.