There's nothing wrong with a few brewskis, but not when it comes in the way of work. Also a couple torn apart by religion and a celeb spawn's stalker extravaganza. Come on in, we've been opening your mail.

1. "This television guy is both a familiar name and familiar face. He's been involved in many high-profile appearances, and is currently part of a television ensemble. It may come as a surprise to you that he drinks. Not just an after-work cocktail, mind you, but a beers-for-breakfast kind of drinker. He always comes to work prepared, but – depending on how many beers he has had – sometimes slurs his lines so badly or races through his lines so fast that he needs additional takes. Oh, and sometimes his scenes have to be re-blocked so that he is sitting down rather than standing up, because he sways too much. We haven't heard of him doing any high-profile stints in rehab, but we do wonder what's taking him so long." [Blind Gossip]

2. "We hear this Celeb Couple's relationship is on the rocks due to religion. Apparently, both were of the same faith, but now one is beginning to question the whole thing. One of the partners has given the other an ultimatum: Either stop questioning, or divorce. The religious beliefs are tearing their family apart. Not Katie Holmes."[BuzzFoto]

3. "A little something different today in the blind items as it also involves a what do you think. You won't be able to get the name of the subject but you can get the name of his father. The subject is a teenager and and is the son of a singer. The singer shares the same name as a reality judge which often causes confusion. Anyway, the son met this girl and had one date. Immediately after the date the boy started texting her, phoning her, e-mailing her, and driving by her house. This went on all the time. It was certainly close to stalking. So, if you are the teenage girl's parents what do you do? Do you call the boy's parents? Well they didn't. Do you call the police? Well they didn't. Do you call the tabloids and try and sell the story? Ding ding ding. We have a winner. That is exactly what they did. Their first thought was to call a tabloid and the tabloids jumped all over the story until they realized it was the son of the singer and not of the reality judge. The fact that the parents only concern in this was to make as much money as possible off the stalking of their daughter is awful. I expect the tabloids to jump all over it because that is what they do, but parents should care for their kids and not exploit them in a potentially dangerous situation." [CDaN]