Jeremy Piven Is Too Professional for Halloween

A Brit commented happily on American girls; an actual mayor commented pessimistically on foursquare and Jeremy Piven commented critically on Halloween. The Twitterati were flexing their credentials.

Your Halloween party bores and frustrates Jeremy Piven, who in case you weren't aware is an actual working professional actor with little awe for costumes.

St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay will maybe join foursquare just if they grant him the honorific "Mayor of Everything."

Tech writer Paul Carr is quite enjoying his survey of California girls. Or maybe it's the German editors he likes, though we very much doubt that.

Wired's Brian X. Chen totally looked a gift horse in the mouth.

Hyperblogger Robert Scoble is already asking about an upgrade to a product from Twitter that is, itself, not even released yet.
Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.