Heaven and Hell in Journalism Jobs

Media jobs used to be cushy; nowadays, you can't even land a media job, and if you do, it sucks. But six-figure journalism salaries still exist! As do terrible, fly-by-night hellholes (Billboard). We've found the best and the worst.
THE BEST: The Texas Tribune just launched. It's a nonprofit Texas journalism dealie led by perpetual Ellie winner editor Evan Smith, and funded by millions of dollars from public-minded rich Texas dudes, as well as public donations. Paid Content reports:
it can be a little hard for those of us who came out of a post-1999 start-up environment to grasp the salaries being paid by the Tribune out of the gate: Smith's $315,000, three others at six figures. The reporters make competitive wages-up to $90,000.
All you J-school kids flocking to NYC, pack up and move to Texas immediately! Quick! It gets no better than that.
THE WORST: Once upon a time there was a music magazine called Billboard that was very respected. Now there is this: "Billboard Magazine presents: Billboard Discoveries." Pay a fee and get a totally impartial review!
What You'll Get from a Billboard Discoveries Review:
* The Billboard brand and reputation as one of the most recognized and respected authorities in music. A review by Billboard Discoveries offers a credible, powerful voice to your work.
* Unbiased, professional reviews by experienced reviewers who specialize in certain fields. Country music is reviewed by experienced country reviewers, for example, and reggae is reviewed by reggae experts.
* A review on all the songs in your Sonicbids Electronic Press Kit (about 150 words for "albums" and 130 words for singles) in the same quality and style of writing as standard Billboard reviews (Discoveries reviews do not include ratings). Reviews can be used in their entirety or excerpts for marketing and advertising purposes.What You Won't Get from Billboard Discoveries:
* Any guarantee of a positive review. Billboard Discoveries reviews are honest and impartial and run the gamut from glowing to scathing to everything in between. By upholding Billboard's rigorous editorial standards, we ensure these reviews retain their integrity and remain meaningful.
* Publication or exposure in Billboard Magazine or Billboard.com. Reviews you receive from the Billboard Discoveries service are yours only: discretion over how they are shared or promoted is exclusively yours, and neither Billboard Discoveries nor Billboard will share them publicly or with any third party.
See, kids: Stay around New York and end up writing paid reviews for Billboard Discoveries ("Joe Arnold Sings the Bee-Gees is an upbeat crowd pleaser sure to have a crowd dancing, whether a crowd of children or a crowd of lemurs"). Or, hop a Greyhound to Texas and make your fortune doing real journalism. Leave now!
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