Since Beatrice Inn and the Jane Hotel Ballroom closed down hipsters have been in a state of non-ironic panic. Earlier this week both were rumored to be reopening soon. The hipsters were happy! But then bad things and death struck.

The Jane was closed down last month after a concerted campaign by yuppie neighbours who were shocked to find that downtown Manhattan is not monastery-quiet and hired a PR guy. Beatrice was closed down earlier this year under similar circumstances. (Yes, I am linking to an article by me, sorry!)

Rumors flew that the Jane had reopened on Monday, but they were apparently false; people who attended said the small front bar was open but not the main room. Now someone died in the hotel. Actually literally died, not 'oh my god I just DIED' died. A Texan visitor, staying in one of the $99 rooms, noticed a bad smell. And, after hearing the usual excuses about plumbing, found the room next door sealed with Police DOA notice on it. "Older guy, lived here," explained one employee.

As for Beatrice Inn, this post on Purple Magazine's Olivier Zahm's page got the plaid-clad masses frothing over a pre-Christmas reopening. Because Zahm is friends with the owner Paul Sevigny. Sevigny is not a huge fan of the press but people working on a new deal with him told us the following:

"He's still fighting to open Beatrice," said one. "But if it reopens, Beatrice won't be the same because of the neighbors, so that plan is to move the controversial party downtown to a space that does not have the same sound issues." Until that happens expect to see various swaying French people at Hawaiian Tropic and Hooters.