Italian Court Holds Mock Trial For CIA

An Italian court has convicted 22 CIA operatives and one Air Force colonel of kidnapping. The CIA grabbed Egyptian imam Abu Omar in Milan and flew him to Egypt to be tortured. This is "illegal" under Italian "law."
That kidnapping was part of a CIA program called "extraordinary rendition," wherein an unknown number of people were flown to secret prisons to be tortured. Obama signed an executive order promising to not fly prisoners to places where they will be tortured, anymore, so his CIA's policy might be more accurately described as ordinary rendition. And we all know the CIA will do exactly as they are told, because they always do.
Extradition of the 23 convicted Americans is not going to happen, though, so Italians should probably consider having agents of their own lawless and unchecked international intelligence organization kidnap them all as they go to church or whatever.