Hoodie Nation Gasps: Could the Conchords' Flight Be Over?

In the annals of international quirk, nothing in recent years has touched more hot buttons than HBO's Flight of the Conchords series. But now that dream could be coming to an end.
Corduroy, 70's and 80's musical genres, grown men wearing kids' animal t-shirts and sleeping in a room together just like a slumber party — the Conchords often seemed like a one-show Expo of Hoodie touchstones.
But the bell may be tolling for this golden age. In an interview with Reuters, Conchords star Jemaine Clement said that the toll of producing the series has become too much for the duo, whose tours, albums and outside acting work are now taking off. "We've got to write the series, but we've also got to write the songs, and just dividing your time into those two writing tasks is really tricky," he spake.
Saying he needs to discuss the show's future with the rest of the Conchords team, Clement continued saying, "It very likely might not" return for a third season. However, he added, "It could come back in a shorter season or like a special."
Tonight at dusk, candle light vigils will be held on the streets of Williamsburg and Silverlake, where Quirkers will gather to plead for just one, one more Bowie parody before the sun sets forever on the brave dream of a world where man-boys can run free, hoodies flapping in the wind, cultural references aloft like noble falcons serenely circling in a desert sky.
Full disclosure: We actually find season one very funny, as we do their live performances.