Michele Bachmann's Teabagging Hordes Storm the Capitol

A bunch of angry white people are yelling at members of Congress right now — both for and against healthcare reform. It's a good thing the Capitol complex has tunnels underneath it so members can avoid these filthy common people.
Michele Bachmann has called for a revolt against healthiness starting at noon today, and according to Politico, thousands of tea partiers have heeded the call so far, standing outside the Capitol and chanting "Palin/Bachmann 2012!", which is maybe like their version of Glenn Beck's 9/12 Project or something?
The protesters, who are occupying the patch of grass only a few yards from where Barack Obama took the oath of office on Jan. 20, have also chanted "you work for us!" Many are holding signs that echo their distrust of Obama and their belief that he is pursuing socialist policies.
They've advanced to within yards of Obama! Fix the bayonets and say a prayer boys, it's happening.
It's not just teabaggers taking back their government: Eight protesters were arrested this morning for occupying Sen. Joe Leiberman's office and demanding that he support reform. If you're a member of Congress, today's a good day for a long lunch in a dark bar.
Also: Strangely, Fox News isn't staying live with the tea party without commercial interruption—they're talking about some baby someone found in a box somewhere.