Larry Page is now the co-creator of something other than the most important internet site in the world: A tipster whispers the Google co-founder is the father of a baby boy, as of Thursday.

Google co-founder Page and model-PhD wife Lucy Southworth's new startup would appear to be going public right on schedule. It was seven months ago that word of Southworth's pregnancy leaked in a Silicon Valley newspaper. Now the infant has apparently arrived, following in the golden-bootied footsteps of Benji Brin, billionaire baby boy of Page's co-founder Sergey Brin and wife Anne Wojcicki. Page's child has already done well for himself, entering the world more wealthy than when he was conceived: Page's wealth shot up by $3 billion to $15 billion from March to September on rising Google shares, according to Forbes (here, here). Shares have only gone up more since then.

There's no word yet on whether the new child was preceded by a weird baby shower of the sort Page threw for Brin, involving adults in diapers. In fact, we don't even have a name or sex at this point. Send us more information if you've heard anything. hasn't been any help on this one. Go figure.

UPDATE: It's a boy! So we're told.

(Pic: Page and Southworth at their December 2007 wedding on Richard Branson's island.)