A menage is a long way to go to keep your man. How about putting up with your husband's gay rumors, or your bandmates' pornographic proclivities? There's love and marriage, but these are some fucked up horses and carriages.

1. "This famous celebrity husband (mostly known for comedy) with a non-famous wife has convinced his spouse that every couple in Hollywood has threesomes. His wife was incredibly reluctant and refused for years, but he's threatened divorced and told her that bringing in another partner into their marriage just comes with the territory when you marry someone famous. Our source says the wife seems really insecure about the marriage and worried that she is going to lose the star, has finally decided to hire a prostitute for his upcoming birthday. Not Steve Carell." [BuzzFoto]

2. "This actor has been fighting off rumors about his sexuality for years. That's why it is curious that he isn't publicly announcing that he is engaged to be married to a very pretty girl. You would think that he would want to shout it from the hill tops, and soak up all the hetero kudos it would bring him. Instead, he's keeping it very quiet. We can only think of three reasons for this. First, that he is not as committed as the engagement implies. Second, that he doesn't want to scare off potential gay partners. Third, that he doesn't want any attention. Wait, scratch that last one. He loves the limelight. We smell disaster all over this one." [Blind Gossip]

3. "Which young urban act filmed themselves on their mobile phones shagging groupies then sat around watching the footage together on their tour bus? They invited one of their crew to join, or at the very least watch, but when he made excuses on account of the fact that he had a wife at home, the boys were incredibly apologetic and told him they didn't mean to disrespect his wife. How sweet." [PopBitch]