Take that, new media. Let's see Arianna Huffington issue a retraction as awesome as sports columnist Rick Morrissey chewing up and literally eating the shredded remains of an old article.

Morrissey, who writes for the Chicago Tribune, skewered Bulls center Joakim Noah in 2007, when Noah was the NBA team's first-round draft pick. Under the headline "You must be Joakim," Morrissey lambasted the pick and instructed readers:

Please clip and save this column. If I'm wrong three years down the line about Noah, I'll douse it in salsa and eat it.

A mere two years later, Noah averages 11 points and 12 rebounds per game, and after a pair of particularly strong performances, Morrissey sat down with a gleeful Noah to make good on his promise. Noah's victory dance starts around 4:00, and Morrissey finally gets the concoction into his mouth around 5:00.

[Chicago Tribune]