Live Blogging Project Runway, The Final Episode

Welcome to the last live blog of Season Six. To help us survive the final hour, I propose this fun diversion. Let's vote on who looks better in an apron: Tim Gunn or Erica of Glad bag fame.
To view both options, click here. Then cast your vote in the comments section below this post. That's the place where (as veterans of this feature know) tonight's live blog will take place, created as a group effort by the Gawker commenting community. The results are always funny and entertaining, no matter how lame a season (like this one) may be. As evidence, click here to view a sampling of some of the brilliant comments y'all posted last week. Highlights from that edition included the following:
- Carol Hannah puked a lot. If she ever ate Froot Loops before doing that, it might mark the first time any of these finalists produced something with some color in it.
- Commenter swedishcouscous theorized that Carol Hannah hugged Christopher just to give him her stomach bug and keep him out of the workroom.
- Seeing Tim Gunn in an apron made us happy. Seeing Tim Gunn dance did not. I guess that means our reaction would be neutral if Tim Gunn donned an apron and started dancing around in it.
- Commenter Old Ocho theorized thusly: "Irina is clearly the lost Kardashian sister. Self-important. Dead behind the eyes. Of Asia Minor descent. It all makes sense! I'll bet her name is really Kirina."
As for tonight's episode (which starts at 10 Eastern on Lifetime), I don't have a "things to watch for as we live-blog" list because Lifetime didn't send me the usual "highlight reel" DVD this week—perhaps because tonight's episode has no highlights, and they saw no point in sending me a DVD with nothing on it. But I do know that there's one genuinely interesting aspect to this season's final runway show: The finalists had to show their collections "anonymously"—that is, they had to hide backstage to keep their identities a secret from the audience as their collections were shown. You see, back in February, when tonight's runway show was actually taped, they had to avoid revealing any designer identities to the public because the season was still in legal limbo. But Lifetime will want to pretend the Bravo lawsuit never happened, so I doubt they'll allude to any of that in tonight's episode. Instead, they'll probably end Project Runway's least interesting season by editing out what was the one truly interesting thing about it.
So this season sucked, as we all know — but I, ever the optimist, am determined to believe that next season will be better. In fact, Lifetime seems to suggest as much in its announcement about next season, which stresses that (1) the show will be back in New York City, and (2) Michael Kors and Nina Garcia [Fashion Director of Marie Claire Magazine] will appear in every episode. They might as well have added: "It won't suck as much—we promise!" They also say next season will start in "early 2010," so I'm guessing we'll probably meet again for next season's premiere (assuming the folks at Gawker let us do this again) very soon after New Year's Day. And then we can all take a cup o' kindness yet, for auld lang syne.
And ever if there were a group I'd want to take a cup o' kindness with, it'd be with you folks who live blog with me here every week. Because you all are what makes this thing special, and I'm damn glad to have gotten to know you.
In fact, I think maybe I'll go take a cup o' kindness right this minute. Or maybe two. You know … just for auld lang syne.