The Most Elaborate Booty Call Ever

Men in England have a new plan for getting laid. They go to India, marry women, tell them they'll bring them back soon (but that they should have lots of sex first) then fly home, abandon them and stop calling.
One lawyer, according to this BBC report, says there are up to 20,000 of these abandoned brides in India. One of them, pseudonym-ed Suman in the article explained how her husband rolls:
When he returned to England, there would be no communication. A month before he was due to come back, he established contact again. Many a time I let that pass, thinking he might be busy, but now I get the feeling that I was being used all this time.
Yes Suman. Your suspicions seem well founded. Someone clever once said that the male libido is like being permanently chained to an idiot. Evidence for this litters the world, leaving tragedy and destruction in its wake. One of the husbands in this case told his bride that she'd been denied a visa and that's why she couldn't come back with him. When she asked to see the paperwork for this 'denial' he pretended not to hear (or something) and never showed it to her.
But revenge may be at hand! One police officer thinks these dogs should be found and dispatched back to India.