Everyone has a disaster tale about Thanksgiving travel, a burnt bird, or drunk uncle Wally who tends to get a little too handsy after one too many hot toddies. Whoever shares their best story with us wins a prize!

More than turkey, pumpkin pie, and football games, Thanksgiving is about horrible family interactions, cooking catastrophes, and cringe-inducing nightmare scenarios that involve your siblings misbehaving and thrown-up cranberry sauce. We know that yours are going to be way better than this mildly awkward prayer from Home for the Holidays, and we just can't wait to hear them.

Whoever shares the worst story wins a either a check for $50 or a bottle of Wild Turkey (we're talking one of their top-shelf brands) (U.S. residents and over 21 only for the booze, Standard Contest Rules apply). After all the drama around the turkey, you're going to need it.

To enter, put your stories in the comments section (if you're not already a commenter, find out how here). We'll be compiling and sharing the best of them throughout the week. The winner will be decided on Friday Monday, so that you can let us rub some salt in the fresh wounds from another year sitting at the kid's table. Good luck, and save us a slice of the white meat.

[Image is from Life.com's photo gallery of designer Barbara Orr Ehrhart's 1947 turkey-inspired wedding.]