Nothing destroys a fantasy faster than when a woman removes her wig. Just ask this actress. Also ruining the illusion are an actress who's mean to her kid's teacher and a very jealous actor. We couldn't dream these up!

1. "This aging, but still known for her looks former B list television star from one of the most popular dramas of all time shared a story about the first time she had sex with her second husband. He had seen her on television with her famous hair and they were doing what people do and he reached for her hair at some point and he pulled her entire wig off showing off her almost entirely bald head. Apparently the episode kind of removed the lift from his engine so to speak and it was several weeks before they tried again." [CDaN]

2. "We know parents can be protective of their kids, but this television actress really crossed the line. Her child had complained that they had been verbally bullied by some of the other students in their class. So, during a recent parent/teacher conference, Mom confronted the child's teacher about the bullying. Their discussion rapidly deteriorated into a shouting match, with the actress standing over the teacher and jabbing her finger at the teacher's face. She accused the teacher of encouraging the other children to pick on her child because the teacher was jealous of the actress. The flustered teacher then had to explain that she did not even know that the actress still had a television show on the air. This totally caught the actress off guard. She wound up mumbling an apology and slinking out the door a few minutes later." [Blind Gossip]

3. "These two actors have always had a friendly rivalry in the press. We hear it's more friendly for one than the other. The bigger star, who has had more high profile movies and relationships does not know that the lesser celebrity is extremely jealous of him. We've learned that the jealous star has tried (unsuccessfully) to sabotage the work of the bigger star. But worst of all, he bragged to a friend of our source that he thinks he could break up the high profile relationship of his rival. He explained a plan he has to ‘test' the lady lover and believes he can steal her away, if only for one night. Not Matt Damon." [BuzzFoto]