In your tremendous Tuesday media column: Dan Abrams is trying to take us on, bloggers now just as glorious as grizzled war reporters, Conde needs a PR person, and the New York Times Co. continues downward, dog.

PR Man and Mediaite overlord Dan Abrams is taking a page from Gawker Media's weird website naming book, launching three new sites: Styleite, Geekosystem, and Sportsgrid, covering (guess!). Abrams tells us: "Mediaite will be connected to the other three sites in that they will share content and staff. Abrams Research is, and will remain, a distinct and separate business (much the same way so many other media companies have content arms separate from other parts of their businesses.)" We welcome new competition from Dan Abrams, because it gives us an undeserved feeling of virtue by comparison!

Uh oh: A new CPJ report finds that "At least 68 bloggers, Web-based reporters, and online editors are imprisoned, constituting half of all journalists now in jail." God damn bloggers already stole the hard work and the jobs from real journalists. Now they steal the imprisonment glory, too?

Some PR people were canned in the latest round of Conde Nast layoffs, but now the company has a job listing on Mediabistro for a PR director for the Fairchild Fashion Group and its CEO. Semi-related: We've heard from some recently laid-off Conde people that a contract clause says that if they're offered an "equivalent" job at the company and they refuse, they're out of their severance pay. So you could be enjoying a job at a great Conde mag one day, then be more or less ordered to go work on a different mag there that you hate. Not that they would ever do that! Anyhow, send us Conde Nast gossip, come on.

The New York Times Co. today said that they "currently project print advertising revenues to decrease approximately 25 percent in the fourth quarter," and that online ad revenue is projected to rise 10%, and severance costs to tally $50 million in the quarter. Also, the company is going to hang onto its paper in Worcester, MA, probably because nobody wanted to pay a decent price for it.