This hot sexxxy lesbian teacher story is rapidly evolving, and we aim to keep you, our 14 year-old audience, up-to-date with all the day's enticing developments. The latest: One teacher has been spotted hanging around with women. And looking rock-n-roll!

The New York Post sinks its dripping, sexxxy fangs into the story today, and digs this dirt: The janitor snitched on the nekkid pair (rather than, presumably, doing the "Hellooooo, ladies" porn movie thing) because he thought they were hormonal students, raging sapphically out of control! And one teacher, Cindy Mauro, looks like that type, the paper STRONGLY IMPLIES:

Mauro, who lives in Bay Ridge with two other women, recently went punk, dying her hair pink, getting several new tattoos, and wearing tight, low-cut clothing, neighbors said.

Mmm hmm. Furthermore, students say Mauro didn't like kids making anti-gay remarks in her class. We all know what that means, heh. And as for her counterpart, the innocent Alini Brito? Everyone's shocked:

"I still can't believe it," Melissa, 17, added. "If a boy came on to her, she would get nasty."

We read you loud and clear. The scenario's beginning to take shape: One radical punk rock lesbian infiltrates a high school in order to seduce innocent female colleagues. We see it all the time.

The two teachers deny the entire thing. Needless to say, do not read a New York Post sex scandal story for anything other than entertainment value.
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