Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Wendy Wiliams and Jersey Shore's Snooki unite, classic Antiques Roadshow reactions, a heinous Real Housewives facelift, The View ladies are unprepared for this morning's special episode, and a wrap-up of the Always Sunny finale.

The Women Have No Idea What They're Talking About Today on The View
Today's episode of The View dedicated an entire hour to All My Children in honor of it's cross-country move. One problem: Not all the hosts were familiar with the topic at hand. Oops.

The Best Antiques Roadshow Reactions
How would you react if you found that ol' Aunt Esther's ottoman was worth 90k? Antiques Roadshow wants to remind viewers to never throw anything away because there is always a chance you'll become rich and public television famous.

Jersey Shore's Snooki Makes an Appearance on Wendy Williams, World Implodes
Snooki is taking a different route than most to achieve fame. Go on MTV reality show, drink 'til you puke, get punched in the face, look like a midget next to Wendy Williams, capture America's heart. Well done, Snickers.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Ends in a Flurry of Drugs and Violence
Last night's It's Always Sunny was about re-capturing lost youth, missed opportunities, and getting tazed. Oh, and Frank burning everyone's retinas by wearing skinny jeans.

Real Housewife Lynne Curtin Gets Face Lift, Channels Elephant Man
Lynne Curtin, the spacey, leather-chested mom of two truants and barely-budding entrepreneur from The Real Housewives of Orange County, got a face lift on tonight's episode of the Bravo reality show. She loved the results. We beg to differ.