Yowza. About those New York Times layoffs everybody's been waiting to hear about: Daily Intel got a partial list of layoff victims, and some surprisingly big names are on it. Including the Seymour Hersh of the Styles section! [UPDATED].

Yes: Allen Salkin, writer of innumerable rage-inducing (but often entertaining!) Styles features is reportedly among the layoffs. Assuming this is accurate, we are now in mourning. Daily Intel's full list:

Eric Konigsberg - Culture
Sara Rimer - National
Christine Hauser - Metro
Josh Barbanel - Real Estate
Mitch Blumenthal - Continuous News
Kate Galbraith - Business
Allen Salkin - Styles
Monica Evanchik - Web

And one more: C. Spencer Beggs, Multimedia producer for the New York Times News Service/Syndicate, tells us: "I'm out Dec. 31. Been there a year and a half. Got 4 weeks salary. I was full-time, non-union."

On a separate front: We've heard of two NYT blogs which are being shut down: Economix and Green Inc.. The reason given for both was they were not bringing in enough revenue. The people working on them (we think) are not losing their jobs.

UPDATE: We received the following email from NYT spokesperson Diane McNulty:

As you know, The Times does not and will not discuss personnel matters, nor reveal any names or numbers relating to the current staff reduction. As a result, The Times cannot and will not comment on the list of specific names you picked up from NY Magazine, except to say the list is in error, as is the information you posted about our blogs. There have been no decisions about shutting down either of those blogs.

UPDATE 2: Tipsters have sent us the following additional names (unconfirmed):

—Ross M. Schneiderman - web producer (worked on Economix blog)
—Jim Nelson Norman - biz copy desk
—Three news assistants from the Editorial dept.

Styles editor Jennifer Kingson was also named by Daily Intel as a layoff victim, but she emails us: "I haven't been laid off, and I'm not getting laid off. The condolence calls from friends are touching, but misplaced. Can you please take me off your list?" Sure!

UPDATE 3: Via email: "My name is Michele Monteleone and I am an Emmy Nominated Video Journalist at The New York Times....or was. I was laid off too."

[If you know more, email us. Pics via NYT and January]