MC Hammer pumped up a Silicon Valley rap battle; Nick Denton mocked a laid off New York Timesman; and a Fox Newser lashed out at the "hippies." The Twitterati love a fight.

Niche Media's Jason Binn is in love with the idea of child labor.

Nick Denton, the richest man at Gawker Media, was not above reveling in a New York Times writer's misfortune. He really didn't like that article, apparently.

Fox News Channel's Molly Stark Dean is glad she doesn't have to deal with spoiled, insulated children of wealth, at her conservative news network, owned by Rupert Murdoch and his kids.

The National Organization for Women is not at all impressed by your sex "app," Cosmo.

MC Hammer approves of white venture capitalist rap battles. Who knew?

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets — or send us more Twitter usernames.