Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Snoop and Martha talk drugs, pondering if we're sick of Jersey Shore just yet, Today celebrates itself, crime television shows use "image enhancements," and David Letterman drives around in a $25,000 car shaped like a cupcake.

Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart Subtly (and Not-So-Subtly) Talk Weed
All week we've been following Snoop Dogg on his latest publicity tour, finding that he's repeated himself over and over again. On Martha Stewart this morning we watched, expecting to see the same, what occured was the complete opposite.

David Letterman Drives a $25,000 Cupcake Car
It's a 25,000 dollar Neiman Marcus cupcake automobile, and it's customizable! There are wheels, icing, a throttle, sprinkles, and most importantly a hat. Look at Dave go!

Have We Overdosed on Jersey Shore?
Jersey Shore is a good thing. This is a fact. But have they blown their wad with too many TV appearances? Has the situation arisen where The Situation points to his abs and we no longer care? Let's discuss.

The Oldest TV Police Trick in the Book: Enhance!
Imagine if enhancing images wasn't possible on television shows. Would police officers solve anything? Probably not. Here's the best-of image enhancing on television. And in case you were wondering, CSI Miami is obviously in there.

The Today Show's Video Tribute to Itself: A Lengthy Look Back at 2009
We're all entitled to give ourselves a pat on the pack once in a while. Today brought self-congratulatory to a whole new level this morning in a twelve-minute-long video of their favorite moments of the year. Cue the insanity!