Today at Gawker.TV, time lapse footage of the weekend's snowpocalypse filmed in Brooklyn, graffiti outside of Serge Gainsbourg's Paris home, Charlie Gibson's sign-off, more "Little People" shows on TLC, and Kathie Lee Gifford once again says proves her ignorance on-air.

Somebody, Please Explain the English Language to Kathie Lee
More moments of "I-can't-believe-this-is-actually-on-the-air" occurred on Today's 4th hour this morning when Kathie Lee explained her difficulty understanding the phrase "like white on rice." Instead of keeping to herself, she makes an absurd spectacle out of her ignorance.

Time Lapse Footage of Snowpocalypse: December 2009
A local Brooklynite had the smart idea to set up a video camera facing the imminent snow and hit record. He ended up with a beautiful glimpse at the storm that kept us indoors this weekend.

TLC Exploits Little People Once Again with Tonight's Premiere of Little Chocolatiers
Little Chocolatiers is a new TLC show about a married couple who run a third-generation chocolate shop. As cute as the show looks, it leaves us wondering why TLC won't vary up their programming much beyond "people with physical ailments."

5 Years of Graffiti Outside Serge Gainsbourg's House
Serge Gainsbourg was a musical pioneer, a harrasser of Whitney Houston, and a French legend. His home in Paris also has a TON of graffiti on it. Here's an amazing timelapse of that graffiti over the past five years.

Charlie Gibson Says Goodbye to World News, Diane Sawyer Takes the Reins Tonight
Charlie Gibson delivered a heartfelt goodbye on Friday saying, "It's hard to walk away from what I honestly think is the best job in the world but my parents taught me you should understay—not overstay—your welcome."