Looks like one guy got the gift that keeps on giving this Christmas. Let's hope a naughty actress, an asexual actor, and two feuding celeb families found something a little less infections under their tree this year.

1. "Which male model is regretting he got carried away with a certain starlet? He succumbed to her aggressive seduction, didn't use protection and now worries he may have contracted an STD?" [P6]

2. "This actress – who has been known to balance more than one job at a time – has always presented a squeaky-clean image on TV. So it came as a surprise to hear that she and her actor husband regularly take a walk on the wild side. No, they are not cheating on each other. Rather, the couple likes to direct each other in the making of live videos of their enthusiastic bedroom sessions. When they have adult guests over, they wait until all the children are tucked away for the evening, then show edited versions of the films to the guest. If the guest/s react with shock or horror, the husband and wife laugh it all off as a big over-acted joke. If the guest/s react with interest, however, they are invited to join the couple for a romp." [Blind Gossip]

3. "This male television star has been fighting off rumors about his sexuality for some time now. He hasn't confirmed or denied and seems to put down any credibility to speculation. We have a source that says the star is not really interested in revealing his sexuality, because he doesn't really care about it himself. He has no drive, no real sexual preference and no interest in a sexual relationship. His asexuality is pretty well known among family and friends, but he has no desire to advertise it to the world. Not Zachary Quinto." [BuzzFoto

4. "Trouble is brewing between these two Celebrity families who used to be very close friends and the trouble started with their children. One child from one of the families is being accused of bullying a younger child from the other family. Apparently, when the two clans get together this older ‘bully' pushes, hits, threatens and intimidates. To make matters worse, when the accusations were brought up, the parents of the child denied it and claimed that their child was close to perfect, further causing tension. Needless to say, the two families aren't hanging out anymore….No one from this [is part of Sarah Jessica Parker's] family." [BuzzFoto]

5. "Which memoir by a 92-year old, yoga-practicing East Side socialite was actually written by the lover of her walker?" [P6]

6. "Which novice restaurant co-owner table-hops, orders food and drink for the table, partakes with gusto, then moves on before the check comes? Old friends are horrified to end up paying for the owner's dinner."[P6]