'Best Job in the World' Winner Stung by Lethal Jellyfish in His Paradise Workplace

Remember the British guy who won the "Best Job in the World" as caretaker of a tropical Australian island, and now blogs about it? Nearly killed by poisonous jellyfish.
After 24 hours of feeling pretty crappy, Ben Southall has recovered from the harrowing sting. He fell under attack by the "peanut-sized Irukandji" jelly while riding his Jet Ski around the Great Barrier Reef. I'm pretty sure I once saw a Discovery Channel special about the Irukandji, and there were all these sting victims getting the maximum doses of morphine, still writhing around and shrieking in pain. In which case Southal has both the Best Job in the World and a superhuman pain tolerance. Some guys get all the breaks. [IslandCaretaker] [AP]