Well, it took a mere 4 days before The Fiesta Bowl handed us the first instant classic of 2010. Without further ado, here is Cowbell Girl.

She just so happens to hold the esteemed position of First Chair Cowbell player in Boise State's Blue Thunder Marching Band. During halftime, the world was graced by her playing the cowbell with the enthusiasm, timing, and musical aptitude of someone on a 3 day ketamine bender. And the results are rapturous.

Somethingsomething Will Ferrell.

UPDATED: A lot of PC thugs felt the need to tell us that this girl is blind. We know she's blind. That still doesn't detract from the fact that this video is funny. She is still unenthusiastically playing an inherently funny instrument. And poorly at that. Last we checked, blind people could still play instruments well.