Even better than Gere and the gerbil, this action star will never live down what goes up his ass, and neither will a going-going-gay reality star. Speaking of bums, this famous actor is about to leave his actress wife's ass.

1. "This actor may be the last straight man left in Hollywood, but he does have one unusual request that makes us question his past. This one requires one man (him), two partners (in this case both women), and a room temperature traditionally-shaped bottle of Coca-Cola. When he is about to climax into one woman, the other one shakes up the bottle of Coke and shoves it up his bum. The objective is to have two explosions at once. Given his screen history, we're guessing that this actor rather likes big explosions. And, given his bedroom history, we're guessing that neither of these women is his wife." [Blind Gossip]

2. "This B list male reality star who is sort of related to another group of reality stars has always been known for being a bit of a player. OK, a lot of player. BUT, his playing has always been of the heterosexual variety. Well, on a recent promotional, make me some money trip out of the country he decided to take the plunge and enjoyed himself not only with many women but also at least one guy." [CDaN]

3. "This popular celeb couple has an image problem. It being that the female REALLY cares about how she and her partner are perceived and the male couldn't care less. The female is so obsessed about the PR side of their relationship, about looking to be secure and in love, that it is driving the male to resent her. He is starting to want out, because the harder she pulls the further he pushes away. We hear although she is super famous and beautiful, she is incredibly insecure. Her whole focus of the relationship has long ago moved away from passion and more about appearance. Over the holidays, the male tried to do some normal activities that a family would do and the female was determined to turn it into a PR event. The two ended up in a very heated argument, and the male left and spent the night with another woman. This happens more and more frequently. The female claims she doesn't care, as long as the male shows up when she needs him to. We fear the relationship is doomed, which will break a lot of hearts—and not just those of their fans. Not Tom and Katie." [BuzzFoto]