Sleeping with her drug dealer was the only way to get him to forget about the money she owes him. The "next Casey Johnson" in L.A.'s socialite set hasn't sunk that low—yet. And finally, a star does something kind!

1. "What C list actress on a middling network comedy in a great time slot has a big problem with drugs. It isn't that she has overdosed or anything like that, but she is deeply in debt to her drug dealer who has been collecting payments lately by showing up on the set of her show and having alone time with our actress. Everyone on the set thinks the guy is her boyfriend so don't understand why she is so freaked out whenever he shows up." [CDaN]

2. "The name "Casey Johnson" has been buzzing around everywhere in LA lately due to her tragic death. The word on the street is that another female socialite is following in the tragic footsteps of people like Casey Johnson, or at least what Casey's issues are rumored to be. We know that drugs are very accessible to the wealthy and bored, but this socialite is taking it to a whole new level. With previous DUI's on her record, she refused to learn from cautionary tales like Casey's and has been driving around town with a whole mix of drugs in her system. She's rumored to have been in a few minor accidents which she has used her wealth and fame to cover up. Not Nicky Hilton, but someone who might surprise you." [BuzzFoto]

3. "Party crashers aren't the only ones creating stress at the White House. A certain celebrity was scheduled to attend a function at the White House, but ran into a snafu when a standard security check was performed on her. It turns out that the age on her driver's license didn't match up to the background check. She gave them a big song and a dance about how the mix up occurred, but eventually had to admit her real age in order to gain admission for future events. We don't know which made her actor husband more upset: the fact that she was singled out for a mild interrogation, or that fact that his wife has lied to him all along about her age. While she is unquestionably beautiful, she is quite a few years older than he thought she was." [BlindGossip]

4. "I don't know if you have read the reports from California but our animal shelters are overwhelmed with Chihuahuas. I blame Paris Hilton. In the last 12 months just in Los Angeles, 4700 of them have been taken in by shelters. Anyway, there has been an idea to ship some of the dogs to other shelters around the country to even things up. This usually annoying B list movie and television actress who is on/off/on a hit network drama and who has been doing nice things lately paid for the cost of flying 25 of the dogs to shelters in New Hampshire with another 45 to follow. Shelters in New Hampshire have waiting lists of people who want the dogs so this is a very good thing." [CDaN]

5. "Which etiquette expert needs to teach her own kids some manners? Her 13-year-old son crashed the bar mitzvah of his prep school classmate—in jeans and a T-shirt, no less—and rented a room at the hotel where the event was held for an unsupervised after-party" [P6]

6. "Which high-profile socialite has given her number to too many people? When the phone rings with a "private number," she screens her calls by answering with a fake Spanish accent." [P6]