Lindsay Lohan's Next Role: Mother Theresa?
Lindsay Lohan, recognized for her vacillating sexual preferences, talent for offscreen antics, and mission to keep us all comfortably be-legginged, is going Jolie and getting all altruistic on our asses!
It's all well and good that Lindsay wants to make a difference in the world she's so blighted, but we're having trouble taking this move with more than just a grain of salt. Yes, child-trafficking is of increasing global concern and deserves greater acknowledgment, but is Lindsay really up for the job? On the day her preview video hit YouTube, her overactive Twitter was unusually silent, minus a big-ups to Madonna for her latest single.
And highlighted in the video is LiLo's commentary on the traffickers themselves: "They know what they're doing, and anyone that says that they don't know, I mean, come on."
Alright. Though this smacks of Paris-outta-jail cursory humanitarianism, perhaps we should give her the benefit of the doubt and wait to see the full film. But color us surprised if Lindsay's magnanimity lasts longer than a Sevin Nyne tan.
[Via Buzzfeed]