Stern was as juicy this morning as all the late night shows were last night. He spouts a good deal of vitriol towards Leno. So much in fact that he's debating making his first Tonight Show appearance in years.

First off, everything Howard Stern says must be taken with a grain of salt. More often than not he looks at situations as black and white with little to no gray. But in these clips, it's personal, and he's speaking in a matter-of-fact candor about how awful Jay is. And maybe stretching the truth a little bit.

Howard thinks that Jay Leno had it in for Conan the whole time. And while Jay had the benefit of a lead-in during his tenure, he maliciously took over the 10 o'clock slot because he knew Conan would be blocked from having a good lead-in, all while simultaneously stealing Conan's thunder. Crack pot theory? Eh, maybe, but it is fun to think of Jay as this evil, brooding mastermind; his face consumed in darkness with the exception of his chin.

And considering Stern was abruptly fired from NBC in 1985, one would think he harbored some bad feelings towards the network. However, his seething hatred for Jay Leno is so strong that he doesn't mention NBC once throughout his whole rant.

Stern then asks the most obvious question: Why? Why would Jay want to do this? To make everyone everyone unhappy for his own benefit?

Thanks for the tip, Guilherme.

[via The Howard Stern Show]