Gawker Intern-for-a-Day Jill Zarin is out getting us lunch right now, but when she gets back, we're going to have her dispensing advice. Leave a question in the comments and Jill will respond.

Aside from being a Real Housewife of New York, Jill fancies herself as a bit of an advice expert. She even has a book coming out, Secrets of a Jewish Mother: Real Advice, Real Stories, Real Love, that she coauthored with Lisa Wexler and Gloria Kamen. How did we know that? She put post cards for the book in all the gift bags she brought for the staff this morning. Yes, gift bags (also, she sent us a dozen coffee mugs with her picture on them).

Now you can benefit from Jill's expertise. Ask her a question about anything — life, love, decorating, being a Housewife — in the comments section below. We're going to have Jill answering back this afternoon...if she ever gets back from the damn taco truck.

Update: Jill Zarin has left the building. She promised she's going to come back to the site tonight and finish answering your questions, so keep them coming!