Is Tiger Woods in Sex Rehab?

After sleeping with all those skanks, Tiger definitely needed to get to a clinic, but the Pine Grove mental health facility center in Mississippi? Isn't that going a bit far?
There are still plenty of questions about whether or not Tiger is an inpatient at the renowned sexual addiction treatment center, but there have been reports that he checked in today and Radar Online is reporting that security at the facility has been beefed up. Tiger's whereabouts have been a mystery for some time now, but we thought he was locked away at some Hooters in Tallahassee. Looks like he may be going in the other direction. Well, not like sex rehab is going to fix his debilitating medical condition—being so rich that he can have any tail that he wants anywhere in the universe at any time. That is, unless, they take enough of his money. What a cure!