In your beefy Tuesday media column: Jim VandeHei doesn't even read his old newspaper because it is so stupid, the NYT's most badass old dude passes away, Reuters now non-poisonous, and a smackdown of Michael Kinsley.

Gabriel Sherman is Twittererering the outtakes from his big story about the WaPo today. Here is one: "But Jim VandeHei at Politico doesn't mind. A senior DC journalist said VandeHei claims 'he no longer reads the Post in any detailed fashion.'" Watch out, Jim VandeHei; they like to punch people over there.

Harold Faber, who worked as a reporter and editor at the New York Times for 57(!) years, died earlier this month at the age of 90. While covering the Korean War, he was first shot, and then, weeks later, was in a plane that was shot down, costing him his leg. He will certainly go down in history as the most hardcore journalist ever to get 57 years of paychecks out of the NYT.

Attention, Reuters employees: the Reuters cafeteria is now serving food that is certified safe for human consumption. Three cheers for the Reuters cafeteria: a real media success story in these troubled times!

Oh ho: Andrew Cohen is pretty much like "Fuck you Michael Kinsley, newspaper stories can be as long as they want, the problem is Americans are stupid." And then he added, "Bitch!" In our version of the paraphrasing, at least.

Lock up your daughters, NYC: Mark Halperin and John Heilemann are appearing LIVE AND UNFILTERED this week at the Time Live building. It's their first appearance in New York since the book dropped! All the groupies will be there! Ladies free before 11! No fat chicks! Mark Halperin for president of rock!